Sawit Watch
Indonesia: Violence against Women Workers in Oil Palm Plantations

Indonesia: Violence against Women Workers in Oil Palm Plantations

Exploitative working conditions in the oil palm plantations’ industry in Indonesia are persistent and the main victims are mostly women. Although this situation is often overlooked, the production process of the world’s largest producer of palm oil is strongly...

Sawit Watch Airs Concerns Over Planned Revision of Manpower Law

Sawit Watch Airs Concerns Over Planned Revision of Manpower Law

Photo: Palm Oil Harvest Workers. Source: Sawit WatchPalm oil watchdog Sawit Watch is airing concerns that a plan by the Ministry of Manpower to revise the Law on Manpower could lead to the legitimation of unfair manpower practices.“The revision of the Law on Manpower...

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Sambas Declaration  for Just Transition in the Palm Oil Industry

Introduction On 28-29th November 2023, an international conference on “Just Transition in the Palm Oil Industry” was held in Sambas, West Kalimantan in Indonesia. The conference was attended by 140 participants, mainly from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia,...

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