Buruh kebun sawit PT. NIKP melakukan aksi pemogokan menuntut pemenuhan hak oleh perusahaan (21/07). Foto: KASBISelasa yang lalu (21/07), buruh anggota serikat FPBM-KASBI di perkebunan sawit milik PT. Nusa Indah Kalimantan Plantations (PT. NIKP) melakukan pemogokan...
Stop intimidation towards union leader and reinstate the retrenched workers at PT SARANA PRIMA MULTI NIAGA!
SPMN plantation workers protesting against the new wage calculation system and alleged union busting. Photo credit: SEPASIThe government of Indonesia has officially issued a ‘large-scale social restriction’, as a measure to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Such measure...
Atas Perjuangan SPN Kaltim, Jenazah Buruh Sawit Emerensiana Hoar Tiba di Rumah Duka di Malaka, NTT
TPOLS – Kamis sore, 5 Desember 2019, hari menjelang gelap, sekitar pukul 18.00 WITA, barak pekerja kebun Bangkirai milik PT. Jaya Mandiri Sukses di Desa Prian Kec. Muara Muntai, Kab. Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur seketika heboh dengan adanya kabar duka...
Recent Post
Sambas Declaration for Just Transition in the Palm Oil Industry
Introduction On 28-29th November 2023, an international conference on “Just Transition in the Palm Oil Industry” was held in Sambas, West Kalimantan in Indonesia. The conference was attended by 140 participants, mainly from Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Cambodia,...
Sign-on Statement to Call for the Immediate Release and Drop the Trumped-up Charges Against Five Development Workers in Negros Occidental, Philippines
We, the undersigned, urgently call for public support for the immediate release of two development workers and the cancellation of trumped-up charges against them and three more development workers. Four of the falsely accused are affiliated with the Paghidaet sa...
Solidarity for Vincent Djiropo, Defender of Ancestral Land and Forests
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THE MOUILA DECLARATION of the Informal Alliance against the Expansion of Industrial Monocultures
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LBH Kalbar Poster: “Modern Slavery and Systemic Abuses in West Kalimantan”
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TPOLS Release for Just Transition Conference #2 (2024): Unsustainable Palm Oil Business
In 2024, the TPOLS Secretariat gathered insights from our network members, revealing alarming trends in the palm oil industry. This summary highlights some of the most pressing issues, showcasing the destructive practices of palm oil companies that cannot be ignored....