Calling for endorsement of the petition to the YAB Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin.
The press statements by YB Dato’ Seri Hamzah Zainudin, Minister of Home Affairs on 29 May 2021 and 3 June 2021 have created the perception among many that the government has decided to launch a plan to arrest and detain undocumented migrants (or illegal immigrants in government lingo) on a massive scale over a short period of time.
We, from the various organizations that have signed this petition, view the current approach of arresting and detaining undocumented migrants at this time further complicating efforts to fight the pandemic among Malaysians, because:
- Such operations will intimidate foreign workers, regardless of whether they are documented or undocumented. In fact, such actions would cause them to avoid any government representative and go to hide. Therefore, this will defeat the government’s efforts to create herd immunity in Malaysia. Herd immunity requires vaccination for 80% of the Malaysian population, including the migrant community. Failure to reach the vaccination level of 80% of the population will delay the country’s economic recovery and extend the suffering of the people.
- There is a strong possibility that the arrest and detention of undocumented migrants at this time will result in new clusters of Covid-19 in immigration detention centres. This will increase the spread of Covid-19 among undocumented migrants and will also infect immigration officers, police officers and court staff (who are involved in remand control), as well as their family members. This possibility can and should be avoided.
- The immigration department does not have the capacity to arrest and repatriate the two to three million undocumented migrants that are in Malaysia. According to Suhakam, estimates as of 1 July 2020 show that immigration detention centres that can only accommodate 12,530 detainees have exceeded their capacity by being filled with as many as 15,163 detainees. Besides that, more than 95% of undocumented migrants are working and contributing to the national economy. In fact, our country’s economic activities also require their services.
Perhaps YB Dato’ Seri Hamzah Zainudin believes that his assertiveness in this matter will help overcome the Covid-19 pandemic. However, YB should remember that every action plan taken must be based on clear, objective and reasonable scientific analysis. Currently, the approach of arresting and detaining undocumented migrants will be detrimental to the government’s efforts to control the spread of Covid-19 in our country.
We sincerely hope that YAB will bring this issue to the National Security Council meeting so that a more appropriate and integrated approach can be formulated for handling undocumented migrants when Covid-19 is spreading. At this point of time, we should focus on the goal of controlling the spread of Covid-19 in our country. Other goals are secondary and should be postponed if they conflict with the primary goal that is to control and overcome the spread of Covid-19.
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Signed by:
- People’s Health Forum (Forum Kesihatan Rakyat)
- Citizens’ Health Initiative
- Agora Society Malaysia
- Third World Network
- Health Equity Initiatives
- Parti Sosialis Malaysia
- Aliran
- All Women’s Action Society (AWAM)
- Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP Malaysia)
- Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM)
- Archdiocesan Human Development Commission (AHDC)
- Asylum Access Malaysia
- Beyond Borders Malaysia
- Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ)
- Citizens Against Enforced Disappearances (CAGED)
- Consumers Association of Penang (CAP)
- Demokrat Kebangsaan
- Dewan Perhimpunan China Kuala Lumpur dan Selangor (KLSCAH)
- Dewan Pimpinan Pusat Gabungan Serikat Buruh Indonesia (DPP GSBI)
- Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Migrants & Itinerants (ECMI)
- Family Frontiers
- Forum Ekonomi Manusiawi
- Fugee
- G25 Malaysia
- Geutanyoe Foundation
- Humanity Heroes Foundation
- IMAN Research
- In Between Cultura
- Institute for Leadership and Development Studies
- International Women’s Rights Action Watch Asia Pacific
- Islamic Renaissance Front
- Jaringan kampung Orang Asli Semenanjung Malaysia
- Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (JERIT)
- Koalisi Buruh Migran Berdaulat
- Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Bina Karya Utama (LBH-BKU)
- Liga Rakyat Demokratik
- LLG Cultural Development Centre
- Mahasiswa Amanah Nasional
- Mahasiswa Keadilan Malaysia
- Majlis Kebajikan Kanak-kanak Malaysia (MKKM)
- Malaysia Hindu Sangam
- Malaysian CARE
- Malaysian Health Coalition
- Malaysian Medical Association (MMA)
- Malaysian United Democratic Alliance (MUDA)
- Migrant Workers Right to Redress Coalition
- Monitoring Sustainability of Globalisation
- Muslim Professionals Forum
- MyPJ
- New Student Movement Alliance of Malaysia (NESA)
- North South Initiative
- Our Journey
- PACOS Trust
- Pemuda Sosialis
- People Like Us Support Ourselves (PLUsos)
- Persatuan Kebajikan Anak Anak Miskin Sabah
- Persatuan Kebajikan Biji Sawi (Mustard Seed Soup Kitchen)
- Persatuan Kebajikan Komuniti Dan Dialog
- Persatuan Sahabat Wanita Selangor
- Pertubuhan IKRAM Malaysia
- Pertubuhan Jaringan Orang Asli Johor (JPOAJ)
- Prison Fellowship Malaysia Sabah
- Projek Wawasan Rakyat (POWR)
- Pusat Komas
- Refuge For The Refugees
- Sabah Reform Initiative (SARI)
- Sahabat Alam Malaysia
- Saya Anak Bangsa Malaysia (SABM)
- Serikat Buruh Migran Indonesia (SBMI) Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT)
- Sisters in Islam
- Stairway to Hope
- Student Progressive Front UUM
- Student Unity Front UKM
- Suara Rakyat Malaysia (SUARAM)
- Tenaganita
- Tindak Malaysia
- Titular Roman Catholic Archbishop of KL (TRCAKL)
- Together Against Cancer (TAC)
- Abu Mufakhir
- Ahmad Kamal
- Ananti Rajasingam
- Andrew Khoo
- Anthony David
- Arief Subhan
- Arutchelvan
- Bernice Ho
- Bin Rites
- Celine Khoo
- Charles Bertille
- Cikgu Mohd Azmi b Abdul Hamid
- CR Selva
- Datuk Dr Amar-Singh HSS
- Datuk M. Ramachelvam
- Datuk Noor Aziah Mohd Awal
- Datuk Ambiga Sreenevasan
- Datuk Dr Anwar Fazal
- Datuk Dr Toh Kin Woon
- Dr Alice Nah
- Dr Ayesah Uy Abubakar
- Dr Hartini Zainudin
- Dr Jeyakumar Devaraj
- Dr Lee Boon Chye
- Dr Ryan Chua
- Elain Lockman
- Elaine Lau
- Faisal Tehrani
- Hamidon Ali
- Hana Maisurah
- Heidy Quah Gaik Li
- Hew Kuen Hin
- Jarud Romadan
- Jeremy Kwan
- Jeyaraj
- Kelvin Soimin
- Lilian Si
- Lim Siew Kiau
- Linda Lumayag
- Loh Jon Ming
- LY Phang
- Lynn Tung
- Pusenthi P.Maniam
- Mahirah Hanis
- Mary Shanthi Dairiam
- Mohd Nadzir bin Mohd Nordin
- Muhammad Sha’ani bin Abdullah
- Mui Mei Moon
- Nazihah Muhamad Noor
- Ng Peng Wah
- Nik Elin Zurina Bt Nik Abdul Rashid
- Ooi Vern Hau
- Peter Pang
- Prof Shad Saleem Faruki
- Pua Lay Peng
- Ronnie Hii
- Saha Deva A. Arunasalam
- Salina Hussein
- Sangeeta choudhury
- Sivarajan A
- Sunita Rajakumar
- Surina Shukri
- Teng Pooi Kui
- Teoh Siang Chin
- Thamboo Devaraj
- Veronica Anne Retnam
- Victoria Ng Yiow Kheng
- Vizla Kumaresan
- Yap Heng Lung
- Zahid Alom
- Zhen Ling Ong