#SiegeTheSummit: Reclaim our Land, Seeds, and Rights! End Neoliberal Food Systems Now!

by | Jul 26, 2021 | Focus, Report and Publication

A battle for the future of our lands, food, and rights is underway.

In July 26-28, the secretariat of the United Nations’ Food Systems Summit (UN FSS) will convene for a Pre-Summit in Rome, Italy. They are set to unveil the so-called “game-changing” solutions that they have gathered from the dialogues that they have initiated since 2019. These solutions will supposedly “transform” global food systems to accelerate toward meeting global goals including eradicating hunger, reducing poverty, and facing the climate crisis.

A closer look reveals the same neoliberal premises, frameworks, and “solutions” that have pushed us deep into the multiple crises of inequality, hunger, and poverty that we experience today. Furthermore, the same transnational corporations (TNCs) and financial actors from a handful of nations that have championed these policies since the Green Revolution are at the helm of the Summit.

The Summit, which will be held in New York in September, is expected to map out the policy agenda on food, agriculture and food systems for the decades to come.

As global food prices jump 39% in a single year, reaching heights not seen in a decade, global land grabs continue to surge, and peasant killings and conflict-driven famines rise, we need to reclaim our voices for our lands, seeds, and rights.

We must rise up and demand an end to neoliberal food systems now.

More information: Global People’s Summit

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