Dear everyone,
Only 2 days left until the International Conference on Just Transition in the Palm Oil Industry from 28 to 29 November in Sambas, West Kalimantan, Indonesia. We cordially invite you to attend our selected hybrid sessions at the conference. Please click here to register and to receive the zoom links for the available sessions. You can see the session details on our booklet, or see the overview schedule (all in Jakarta GMT/UTC +07:00) below:
Tuesday, 28 November 2023:
– 10:00-10:45: Plenary – Just Transition in the Palm Oil Industry: Challenges and Perspectives.
– 13:30-15:30 Workshop 1: Water Rights & River Landscapes
– 16:00-18:00: Workshop 4: EUDR and Certification – How Should Union Respond?
– 18:00-19:00: Plenary – Palm Oil: Reports from Around the World.
Wednesday, 29 November 2023:
– 09:00-10:30 am Workshop 7: Is a mosaic landscape compatible with
workers’ demands?
– 01:00-03:30 pm Workshop 10: Building regional and international
alliances for Just Transition
We look forward to your participation & support, both online or offline.
In solidarity,
Transnational Palm Oil Solidarity